At Castleroe Primary School we have a dedicated
Child Protection Team.
Designated Teacher for Child protection
Mr David McMillan
Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection
Mrs Samantha Williams
Governor for Child Protection:
Dr Mark Goudy
Anti-Bullying Champion
Mr D McMillan
Well-Being Ambassador
Mrs S Williams
The School Council, Anti-Bullying Ambassadors and Playground Buddies engage with staff and their peers in the pupil body to ensure we are a commmunity who choose respect, take responsibility for our words and actions and grow as effective contibutors to our school society. We at Castleroe are builiding a community which is respectful, welcoming and safe and have a Child Protection Policy which is updated annually.
We work actively with outside agencies, statutory and voluntary, to ensure the pupils in our care are protected. To this end we work with PSNI, Social Services, Barnardos, the Family Support Hub and Hope Counselling, among other agencies, to support and protect our pupils and their families.
All of our staff, teaching and non teaching, engage in Child Protection Training annually in August.
Each member of our staff, teaching and non teaching, has attended the ABSIT Level 1 training for all staff working in schools across Northern Ireland.
We teach a preventative curriculum to help children stay safe and develop healthy relationships, beliefs and attitudes as they grow up. This includes events such as Antibullying Week and Internet Safety Day.
Anti-Bullying Week 2024
To celebrate Anti-Bullying Week 2024 we adopted the nationwide theme "Choose Respect".
We engaged in a week-long series of events to teach our pupils about recognising bullying behaviours, reponding to bullying behaviours and explored the meaning of friendship.
We celebrated ODD SOCK DAY - accepting that being different is to be embraced and celebrated.
We enjoyed a CORE PE Anti-Bullying Online Session from P1 - P7.
P4 to P7 pupils engaged in age appropriate Anti-Bullying Workshops through Zoom with Hip Psychology.
All pupils throughout the school celebrated Friendship Friday and discussed the importance of being a good friend and having good friends.
Name | Format | ||
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Child Protection Policy February 2024.pdf | |||
Child-protection-in-education.pdf | |||
child-protection-in-education-polish.pdf |
At Castleroe Primary School we have a dedicated
Child Protection Team.
Designated Teacher for Child protection
Mr David McMillan
Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection
Mrs Samantha Williams
Governor for Child Protection:
Dr Mark Goudy
Anti-Bullying Champion
Mr D McMillan
Well-Being Ambassador
Mrs S Williams
The School Council, Anti-Bullying Ambassadors and Playground Buddies engage with staff and their peers in the pupil body to ensure we are a commmunity who choose respect, take responsibility for our words and actions and grow as effective contibutors to our school society. We at Castleroe are builiding a community which is respectful, welcoming and safe and have a Child Protection Policy which is updated annually.
We work actively with outside agencies, statutory and voluntary, to ensure the pupils in our care are protected. To this end we work with PSNI, Social Services, Barnardos, the Family Support Hub and Hope Counselling, among other agencies, to support and protect our pupils and their families.
All of our staff, teaching and non teaching, engage in Child Protection Training annually in August.
Each member of our staff, teaching and non teaching, has attended the ABSIT Level 1 training for all staff working in schools across Northern Ireland.
We teach a preventative curriculum to help children stay safe and develop healthy relationships, beliefs and attitudes as they grow up. This includes events such as Antibullying Week and Internet Safety Day.
Anti-Bullying Week 2024
To celebrate Anti-Bullying Week 2024 we adopted the nationwide theme "Choose Respect".
We engaged in a week-long series of events to teach our pupils about recognising bullying behaviours, reponding to bullying behaviours and explored the meaning of friendship.
We celebrated ODD SOCK DAY - accepting that being different is to be embraced and celebrated.
We enjoyed a CORE PE Anti-Bullying Online Session from P1 - P7.
P4 to P7 pupils engaged in age appropriate Anti-Bullying Workshops through Zoom with Hip Psychology.
All pupils throughout the school celebrated Friendship Friday and discussed the importance of being a good friend and having good friends.
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Child Protection Policy February 2024.pdf | |||
Child-protection-in-education.pdf | |||
child-protection-in-education-polish.pdf |
At Castleroe Primary School we have a dedicated
Child Protection Team.
Designated Teacher for Child protection
Mr David McMillan
Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection
Mrs Samantha Williams
Governor for Child Protection:
Dr Mark Goudy
Anti-Bullying Champion
Mr D McMillan
Well-Being Ambassador
Mrs S Williams
The School Council, Anti-Bullying Ambassadors and Playground Buddies engage with staff and their peers in the pupil body to ensure we are a commmunity who choose respect, take responsibility for our words and actions and grow as effective contibutors to our school society. We at Castleroe are builiding a community which is respectful, welcoming and safe and have a Child Protection Policy which is updated annually.
We work actively with outside agencies, statutory and voluntary, to ensure the pupils in our care are protected. To this end we work with PSNI, Social Services, Barnardos, the Family Support Hub and Hope Counselling, among other agencies, to support and protect our pupils and their families.
All of our staff, teaching and non teaching, engage in Child Protection Training annually in August.
Each member of our staff, teaching and non teaching, has attended the ABSIT Level 1 training for all staff working in schools across Northern Ireland.
We teach a preventative curriculum to help children stay safe and develop healthy relationships, beliefs and attitudes as they grow up. This includes events such as Antibullying Week and Internet Safety Day.
Anti-Bullying Week 2024
To celebrate Anti-Bullying Week 2024 we adopted the nationwide theme "Choose Respect".
We engaged in a week-long series of events to teach our pupils about recognising bullying behaviours, reponding to bullying behaviours and explored the meaning of friendship.
We celebrated ODD SOCK DAY - accepting that being different is to be embraced and celebrated.
We enjoyed a CORE PE Anti-Bullying Online Session from P1 - P7.
P4 to P7 pupils engaged in age appropriate Anti-Bullying Workshops through Zoom with Hip Psychology.
All pupils throughout the school celebrated Friendship Friday and discussed the importance of being a good friend and having good friends.
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Child Protection Policy February 2024.pdf | |||
Child-protection-in-education.pdf | |||
child-protection-in-education-polish.pdf |
At Castleroe Primary School we have a dedicated
Child Protection Team.
Designated Teacher for Child protection
Mr David McMillan
Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection
Mrs Samantha Williams
Governor for Child Protection:
Dr Mark Goudy
Anti-Bullying Champion
Mr D McMillan
Well-Being Ambassador
Mrs S Williams
The School Council, Anti-Bullying Ambassadors and Playground Buddies engage with staff and their peers in the pupil body to ensure we are a commmunity who choose respect, take responsibility for our words and actions and grow as effective contibutors to our school society. We at Castleroe are builiding a community which is respectful, welcoming and safe and have a Child Protection Policy which is updated annually.
We work actively with outside agencies, statutory and voluntary, to ensure the pupils in our care are protected. To this end we work with PSNI, Social Services, Barnardos, the Family Support Hub and Hope Counselling, among other agencies, to support and protect our pupils and their families.
All of our staff, teaching and non teaching, engage in Child Protection Training annually in August.
Each member of our staff, teaching and non teaching, has attended the ABSIT Level 1 training for all staff working in schools across Northern Ireland.
We teach a preventative curriculum to help children stay safe and develop healthy relationships, beliefs and attitudes as they grow up. This includes events such as Antibullying Week and Internet Safety Day.
Anti-Bullying Week 2024
To celebrate Anti-Bullying Week 2024 we adopted the nationwide theme "Choose Respect".
We engaged in a week-long series of events to teach our pupils about recognising bullying behaviours, reponding to bullying behaviours and explored the meaning of friendship.
We celebrated ODD SOCK DAY - accepting that being different is to be embraced and celebrated.
We enjoyed a CORE PE Anti-Bullying Online Session from P1 - P7.
P4 to P7 pupils engaged in age appropriate Anti-Bullying Workshops through Zoom with Hip Psychology.
All pupils throughout the school celebrated Friendship Friday and discussed the importance of being a good friend and having good friends.
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Child Protection Policy February 2024.pdf | |||
Child-protection-in-education.pdf | |||
child-protection-in-education-polish.pdf |