The Curriculum at Castleroe Primary School


At Castleroe Primary School we endeavour to offer the widest possible range of experiences to our pupils following programmes of work related to the Areas of Learning of the NI Curriculum. 

We have a proven track record of academic excellence, with 100% of all pupils in the past seven years being accepted to their post primary school of choice.  We are a feeder school for a wide range of schools in the local area including Dalriada School, Coleraine Grammar, Loreto College, Ballymoney High School, North Coast Integrated, Coleraine College and Limavady High.  Our standards of achievement are consistently higher than the Northern Ireland average and we have a history of ensuring that pupils in our care meet their potential academically, socially and emotionally.

We teach in a multipsensory and active style, and our methods  engage all learners to achieve the best results for the pupils in our care - happy children learn!  Your child will have the opportunity to develop essential skills and aquire knowledge as they learn with their peers. 

We prepare children for the next level of education by ensuring that each child has attained their full potential in all the Areas of Learning.

Past Pupil Success

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Curriculum Skills and Capabilities

At the heart of the curriculum lies a strong emphasis on the below skills and capabilities. Teachers will ensure that pupils progressively develop these skills.

Cross-Curriculum Skills:


Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities:

  • Literacy & Communication

  • Numeracy & Using Mathematics

  • Using Information and Communication Technology

  • Thinking, Problem-solving and Decision-Making

  • Self Management

  • Working with Others

  • Managing Information

  • Being Creative

Areas of Learning

The curriculum is set out in six Areas of Learning. Teachers will, where appropriate, integrate learning across the six areas to make relevant connections for children.
The Areas of Learning are:

  1. Language and Literacy (includes Talking and Listening, Reading and Writing)

  2. Maths and Numeracy

  3. The Arts (includes Art and Design, Drama and Music)

  4. The World Around Us (this area focuses on the development of knowledge, skills and understanding in Geography, History and Science and Technology)

  5. Personal Development and Mutual Understanding

  6. Physical Education

  7. Religious Education

Assessment and Reporting

Assessment involves the continuous monitoring of the individual child’s progress across all areas of the curriculum throughout the year to ensure each child is making progress to reach their potential.

This is combined with formal testing which includes end of key stage assessments (P4 and P7),  standardised tests in Literacy & Communication, Numeracy & Using Mathematics and cognitive ability (April P3-P7) and end of year class assessments (P1-P7).

We use analyse this data to ensure that  not only is each child continues to achieve high standards but also that ongoing teaching and learning is of a high standard,  giving value added input.  The pupils at Castleroe PS consistenly achieve above the NI average, and over the past eight years 100% of all pupils have transferred to their first perference school to continue their studies in Year 8.


All parents are offered an invitation to two parent teacher interviews (October and February).  We really value the support of our parents and parents are welcome to make an appointment to discuss their child’s progress outside these set times.  A written report is issued in June each year.


The statutory curriculum is supplemented by a wide range of activities such as:


Swimming is  available for P5-P7 pupils as part of the P.E. Curriculum

Peripatetic tuition is available in String and Woodwind instuments with the Education Authority teachers and The Music Loft, Ballymony, who offer tuition in drumming and guitar and Mrs Cavan, piano teacher.


Children interested in the arts will be encouraged to attend the after-school music club, choir and drama club.  Recently our pupils have excelled in these areas with many receiving prizes at Coleraine Music and Drama Festival.  

Pupils enter small schools’ competitions in a wide range of sports including football, table tennis and hockey.  After school coaching is available from specialists in sports.  for example, Football Coaching with IFA, Hockey with Coleraine Hockey Club, Rugby with Ballymoney RFC, table tennis, netball and dance.


Special events and celebrations are held throughout the year.  These allow pupils to perform and develop individual talents and skills.  We ensure that all children have opportunity to participate.  The joy of a small school is that every child is included in every activity.
